Saturday, July 11, 2020

About Panchakarma by Dr Ayurveda

The Detoxification & Rejuvenation process

It is a comprehensive system of knowledge and practice to purify the body. It uses five purification techniques to detoxify the body via various external orifices using herbal and mineral preparations:
  • Nasya (nasal purification)
  • Vamana (regurgitation)
  • Virechana (purgation)
  • Vasti (Herbal enema)
  • Rakta Moksha (bloodletting done as a part of surgical procedure).
As more people fall prey to the adverse effects of stress, there arises more complaints of illness such as digestive problems, lack of sleep, allergies, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, musculoskeletal pain as well as more serious conditions such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis etc.
All of these diseases are complex disorders that arise as a result of toxins that accumulate in the body over time. The most deeply seated toxins that cause diseases are heavy and sticky and damaging to the tissue layers. Panchakarma eliminates these toxins from the body, allowing healing of tissue channels for primary and secondary prevention of various illnesses and allow optimal functioning of digestive, mental and spiritual processes.
About Panchakarma by Dr Ayurveda
About Panchakarma by Dr Ayurveda

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