Friday, August 21, 2020

Alochakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

There are five types of Pitta:
* Pachakapitta
* Ranjakapitta
* Sadhakapitta
* Alochakapitta
* Bhrajakapitta

Let's get to know about Alochakapitta in detail:
Location:The seat of Alochakapitta is in the in Drishti - eyes.
Functions:The function of the Alochakapitta is to catch the image, form and color of any external object presented to the eye. It is present in the frontal area of the brain, responsible with the process of memory, mainly associated with the experience through vision.
Alochakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
Alochakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

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