Saturday, February 6, 2021

Ayurveda Lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda Official

Ayurveda Lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda Official
Ayurveda works upon mitigating the imbalance by channelizing nature's energy and resource after analyzing the body constitution and advises the apt line of treatment. It offers specific guidance to each individual on lifestyle, diet, exercise and yoga, Herbo-mineral therapy, Panchakarma therapy, Rasayana therapy and even spiritual practices to restore and maintain balance in body and mind.
Ayurveda aims to achieve three main objectives:
* Maintaining positive health through prevention of disease causing elements.
* Implementing curative measures for treating a manifested disease or condition.
* Establishing rehabilitative measures for recuperation.
Ayurvedic Treatment Principle:
* Shamana Therapy: Administering Ayurvedic Herbo-Mineral Preparations.
* Shodhana Therapy: Purificatory methods using Panchakarma (Detoxification) therapies.
Ayurveda Lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda Official
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