Friday, August 27, 2021

Ayurvedic perspective of Dr Ayurveda

The biological clock and circadian rhythm of the body - Ayurvedic perspective
How to live, eat and breathe should be in harmony with nature. In Ayurveda, when our inner body clock is in synch with the natural flow of our lifestyle and activities, then this benefit us with optimal health. An individual’s body’s clock is also known as the circadian rhythm. Millions of body rhythms occur that are managed by the body’s clocks. These clocks are managed by a master clock. The master clock of the body is controlled by nature’s most influential cycle called ‘circadian rhythm’. This regulates everything in our body, including the release of vital hormones e.g. Melatonin and serotonin. Modern science is also in agreement with this.
Ayurvedic perspective of Dr Ayurveda

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