Thursday, September 30, 2021

Important herbs for Acne by Dr Ayurveda

Important herbs for Acne by Dr Ayurveda
Have a look at few important herbs for Acne by DrAyurveda:
* Turmeric: This is one of the best for skin conditions, this helps a lot in order to reduce acne and scars.
* Manjishta: Applying Manjistha powder along with honey or rose water (at least 2-3 times a week) helps manage acne and pimples.
* Chandana: Sandalwood has a soothing effect on inflammation caused by pimples and acne.
* Neem: Neem leaves have antibacterial properties and it helps a lot as well.
* Giloy: Powder or paste prepared from Giloy leaves helps to reduce acne.
* Coriander: It's leaves work wonders in healing blackheads, pimples and acne scars.
* Lodhra: It is useful in acne and pimples due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Important herbs for Acne by Dr Ayurveda

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