Monday, January 24, 2022

Ayurvedic herbs for acid reflux

Ayurvedic herbs for acid reflux
Acid Reflux: A digestive disease in which stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipe lining. Have a look at few important herbs for acid reflux by DrAyurveda:
* Holy Basil: It is known for its carminative properties that removes gas from the stomach and it also helps in various stomach disorders.
* Fennel seeds: The nutrient of fennel seeds helps in relaxing the stomach walls and thereby prevents acid reflux.
* Peppermint: If you have an upset stomach, your first instinct may be to suck on a peppermint candy or brew a soothing cup of peppermint tea. It really helps a lot.
* Turmeric: It also helps a lot in the condition of acid reflux.
* Licorice root: This also helps a lot.
* Cumin: It helps in order to get rid of acidity and bloating, and provides relief from indigestion.
Ayurvedic herbs for acid reflux

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