Showing posts with label Why Ayurveda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why Ayurveda. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2021

Important herbs in Ayurveda

Have a look at some really important herbs in Ayurveda:
* Ashwagandha: Its root and berries are used to produce a very popular Ayurvedic remedy.
* Boswellia: It is also such an important herb in ayurveda.
* Brahmi: It has such strong anti-inflammatory properties.
* Cumin: It may boost the activity of digestive enzymes.
* Gotu Kola: It may improve people’s memory after they have had a stroke.
* Triphala: It's such an important herb as well.
* Giloy: Everyone knows the importance of giloy in today's lifestyle.
Important herbs in Ayurveda

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Biological Clock & Circadian Rhythm of body by Dr Ayurveda

The Biological Clock & Circadian Rhythm of body by Dr Ayurveda
How to live, eat and breathe should be in harmony with nature. In Ayurveda, when our inner body clock is in synch with the natural flow of our lifestyle and activities, then this benefits us with optimal health. An individual’s body’s clock is also known as the circadian rhythm. Millions of body rhythms occur that are managed by the body’s clocks. These clocks are managed by a master clock. The master clock of the body is controlled by nature’s most influential cycle called ‘circadian rhythm’. This regulates everything in our body including the release of vital hormones e.g. melatonin and serotonin. Modern science is also in agreement with this.
Disruption of the circadian rhythm, affects the harmonious functioning of the body including the metabolism and hormonal balance. This makes us susceptible to illnesses as the system goes against the natural flow and consequently has an adverse impact on our life and well-being.
We consist of energies and energies surround us. Similarly each time of the day has an energy. This inner clock functions constantly over a 24 hour cycle. The biological cycle of the body and mind is influenced by the energy of the three doshas. These help to describe the different times of the day and conduct various activities:
● Pitta times of the day are considered to be 10pm-2am and 10am-2pm.
● Vata times of the day are considered to be 2am-6am and 2pm-6pm.
● Kapha times of the day are considered to be 6am-10am and 6pm-10pm.
The Biological Clock & Circadian Rhythm of body by Dr Ayurveda

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Herbs for brain health by Dr Ayurveda

Herbs for brain health by Dr Ayurveda
Have a look at some very important herbs for brain health by
official:* Brahmi: It's the most helpful herb for the brain health. It helps a lot in Alzheimer's disease as well.
* Gotu Kola: This is also such an important herb for brain health.
* Turmeric: It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects (two factors that may benefit brain health and overall health).
* Ginseng: It's a very useful herb for brain health.
* Ginkgo Biloba: It helps in order to promote blood flow to the brain.
Herbs for brain health by Dr Ayurveda

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Ayurvedic Herbs for Fungal infections

Ayurvedic Herbs for Fungal infections
Have a look at few Ayurvedic herbs and home remedies for fungal infections by Dr Ayurveda Official:* Garlic Paste helps in curing fungal infections.
* Aloe Vera: Gel from Aloe Vera plant has cooling properties, so it may soothe itchy and swollen skin.
* Turmeric: It is such an important herb for fungal infections.
* Neem: It's paste also helps in relieving itching and curing infections.
* Coconut oil: It relieves itch and tackles skin infections.
Ayurvedic Herbs for Fungal infections

Monday, January 11, 2021

Dr Ashok from Dr Ayurveda Official

A patient is not a problem to be solved but a mystery in whose presence the clinician is privileged to do well.
In the welcome atmosphere of our clinic you will be will able to confidentially discuss your condition and associated factors with the consultant. The consultation will involve an in-depth consideration of your symptoms, medical history and the environmental factors affecting your condition as well as a clinical examination. A detailed holistic assessment of your prakriti dosha constitution) and vikriti (dosha imbalance) will be carried out to diagnose your condition and you will be advised on the best Ayurvedic Treatments and therapies. We offer the best quality medicines which are tested for heavy metals, etc.
At the follow-up appointment an assessment of your symptomatic and overall improvement will be assessed. A change in prescribed medication may be required at this stage, depending on your condition, and advice given for further gradual improvement. At this stage Ayurvedic Treatment and prevention therapies will become the focus as your symptoms/disease progression come under your control.
Dr Ashok from Dr Ayurveda Official

Saturday, January 2, 2021

How Ayurveda is different to Western medicine

Modern medicine attempts to treat and remove the symptoms of illness, rather than treat the person suffering from the symptoms. This stems from the view that we are all more or less the same. 
In Ayurveda, the human body is considered to be a combination of five basic elements. These elements are influenced by three vital forces and the balance between these forces is seen as the key to good health. Each person is recognized as an individual and therefore receives a personal treatment and healing plan.
For example, we believe taking synthetic medicine, which can have harmful side-effects, is not a viable long-term solution for chronic conditions. Rather, we believe it’s better to focus on the whole person to achieve healing and maintain long-lasting good health.
How Ayurveda is different to Western medicine

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Adopt Ayurveda lifestyle with Dr Ayurveda Official

Adopt Ayurveda lifestyle with Dr Ayurveda Official:
What is Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, an authentic medical science which originated in Asia prior to the Vedic age, is a comprehensive system of holistic health care. The term 'Ayurveda' means 'science of life'.
"It is a science which defines an ethical way of life. It differentiates the good from the bad and espouses well-being."
Charak, Father of Ayurvedic Medicine
Objective of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda aims to achieve three main objectives:
Maintaining positive health through prevention of disease causing elements.
Implementing curative measures for treating a manifested disease or condition.
Establishing rehabilitative measures for recuperation.
Featuring Dr Ashok and Dr Poonam from Dr Ayurveda Official.
Adopt Ayurveda lifestyle with Dr Ayurveda Official

Monday, November 9, 2020

Ayurveda Day 2020 in Birmingham, UK

Consulate General of India, Birmingham is going to celebrate Ayurveda Day virtually on 13th of November, 2020 from 11:00 Hrs.
Key Note speakers are Dr Ashok and Dr Poonam from Dr Ayurveda Official.
Topic: Ayurveda and Human Health in the 21st Century!
Ayurveda Day 2020 in Birmingham, UK

Friday, October 9, 2020

Ayurveda Herbs for Headache

Ayurveda Herbs for Headache by Dr Ayurveda Official
Have a look at few important herbs for headache:
According to Ayurveda, dehydration is also one of the causes for headaches in pitta type headaches. Keep sipping healthy beverages to keep headaches away.
  • Brahmi: This is one of the best herb, when it comes to headache. It is also known to cut down stress and depression.
  • Elaichi: Biting elaichi is also such an effective way to keep these headaches away.
  • Rock Salt: Drinking lukewarm water with a pinch of rock salt is a good remedy for certain kinds of headaches.
  • Ginger: This is also very important when it comes to severe headaches.
  • Tagar: Tagar is a hairy perennial herb with a long history of traditional medicinal use.
  • Sandalwood: You can apply sandalwood (Chandan) in order to avoid headache.
Ayurveda Herbs for Headache by Dr Ayurveda Official

Monday, September 28, 2020

What is Ayurveda? Explanation by Dr Ayurveda Official

What is Ayurveda? Explanation by Dr Ayurveda Official
❖ Ayurveda is the ancient system of holistic healing and evolved in Asia over 5000 years ago
❖ It was founded by the ancient sages who produced this unique and original health care system
❖ Ayurveda applies to all living beings
❖ The word Ayurveda originates from Sanskrit (the most oldest language) and is derived from the two roots, vid = knowledge and ayus = daily living or life cycle
❖ Therefore, Ayurveda is the knowledge of daily living and the life cycle
❖ In Ayurveda, the human is considered to be a combination of the three components: physical, mental and spiritual. The balance of all three is considered to be the key of health within this health care system
❖ The principles of Ayurveda is based on the three doshas (tridoshas): vata, pitta and kapha. These are energies that are present throughout the body and mind. They regulate every physiological and psychological process in the living being. When unbalanced, they cause various signs and symptoms, leading to complex diseases and problems if left untreated
❖ Ayurveda also encompasses meditation, yoga, astrology, panchakarma (therapy for detoxification and rejuvenation) and herbo minerals
❖ It is not just confined to medicine but considers the overall lifestyle both physically and spiritually
❖ The aim of Ayurveda is to guide towards contentment optimal well being
What is Ayurveda? Explanation by Dr Ayurveda Official

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Sleshaka Kapha in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official:

Sleshaka Kapha in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official:
There are 5 types of Kapha:
* Tarpaka Kapha
* Bodhaka Kapha
* Sleshaka Kapha
* Avalambaka Kapha
* Kledaka Kapha
Let's get to know about Sleshaka Kapha in details:
Sleshaka is located in the joints of the body and refers to the synovial fluid in the joints.
It keeps the joints firmly united by keeping the membranes and joints smooth, lubricated and nourished. This makes the joints flexible and strong.
Sleshaka Kapha in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
There are five types of Pitta:
* Pachakapitta
* Ranjakapitta
* Sadhakapitta
* Alochakapitta
* Bhrajakapitta
Let's get to know about Bhrajakapitta in detail:

Located in the skin.
The function of the Bhrajakapitta is production of normal or abnormal Colors of the skin. The maintenance of the Lustre or complexion of the skin is by the Paka (transformation or conversion) of the (absorbed) substances used for massage etc. It also maintains the normal temperature of the body.
Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Pachakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Pachakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
There are five types of Pitta: 
  1. Pachakapitta
  2. Ranjakapitta
  3. Sadhakapitta
  4. Alochakapitta
  5. Bhrajakapitta
Let's get to know about Pachakapitta in details:
Pachaka means that which digests and Pitta relates to the fire element. 
So this pitta assists with body’s digestive fire at various levels: the stomach, intestines and the whole gut system. 

The digestion of the food is the main function of the Pachakapitta. By digestion, the food is divided into Sara (useful part of food digestion) and Kitta (waste). Pachakapitta - the group of digestive juices secreted into the Annavahasrotas (food digesting channels in the body- the gut) is the controller of all other Pittas. Sometimes just the word Agni is also mentioned to indicate the Pachakapitta. The importance of the Pachakapitta is emphasized by the statement that every disease is due to the impaired function of this factor i.e. The digestive fire and metabolism impairment at various body levels leads to diseases.
Pachakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
Pachakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Overview about Dr Ayurveda Official

East meets West for a new, more natural way for you to achieve good health.
Nothing is more important than good health. When you feel well in mind and body you feel you can take on anything. Yet the fast pace of modern life means more and more people are feeling stressed and are suffering from chronic conditions. As a result, many are seeking new ways, not only to regain their health, but to maintain it in the long term.
In India and other parts of Asia, people have enjoyed the natural benefits of Ayurveda for thousands of years. To help combat the harmful effects of modern life and revolutionize the way we look after our health, we want to make this safe, effective and holistic system of health care available to everyone in the UK.
Overview about Dr Ayurveda Official
Overview about Dr Ayurveda Official

Friday, July 24, 2020

Why Ayurveda - Explanation by Dr Ayurveda

Why Ayurveda - Explanation by Dr Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a system of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s widely used by people across India and other parts of Asia, both on its own and in conjunction with Western medicine.
Ayurveda is a natural and safe approach to health and well-being, suitable for anyone of any age. It aims to:
1. Treat and cure existing diseases.
2. Strengthen your immune system and your body’s ability to heal itself.
3. Help you maintain a natural, balanced state in both body and mind.

How Ayurveda is different to Western medicine:
Modern medicine attempts to treat and remove the symptoms of illness, rather than treat the person suffering from the symptoms. This stems from the view that we are all more or less the same.
In Ayurveda, the human body is considered to be a combination of five basic elements. These elements are influenced by three vital forces and the balance between these forces is seen as the key to good health. Each person is recognized as an individual and therefore receives a personal treatment and healing plan.

For example, we believe taking synthetic medicine, which can have harmful side-effects, is not a viable long-term solution for chronic conditions. Rather, we believe it’s better to focus on the whole person to achieve healing and maintain long-lasting good health.
Why Ayurveda - Explanation by Dr Ayurveda
Why Ayurveda - Explanation by Dr Ayurveda