Have a look at few important herbs for Tuberculosis by Dr Ayurveda Official:
* Ashwagandha: It plays an important roles in the cases of tuberculosis.
* Ginger: It was found to be effective as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, it helps in few cases of TB as well.
* Turmeric: It plays an important role too.
* Peppermint: It has anti bacterial property and helps in the healing of the tissues affected by tuberculosis.
* Marshmallow: It plays an important role in the cases of tuberculosis.
* Ginger: It was found to be effective as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, it helps in few cases of TB as well.
* Turmeric: It plays an important role too.
* Peppermint: It has anti bacterial property and helps in the healing of the tissues affected by tuberculosis.
* Marshmallow: It plays an important role in the cases of tuberculosis.