Monday, April 3, 2023

Ayurvedic Herbs for Sore Throat by Dr Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Herbs for Sore Throat by Dr Ayurveda
Have a look at few important Ayurvedic Herbs for Sore Throat by Dr Ayurveda Official:
* Honey: Well, it can be mixed with tea or taken on its own is a common household remedy for a sore throat.
* Peppermint: It is known for its ability to freshen breath and it is really helpful in sore throat.
* Fenugreek: Fenugreek tea is a natural remedy for sore throats and you can also use it's oil or try having seeds as well.
* Ginger and garlic: This is one of the most important combinations of remedy when it comes to sore throat. It helps in order to prevent the common cold and a few viruses.
* Licorice root: It helps a lot as well.
* Turmeric: For a sore throat you can mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and half teaspoon of salt into one cup of hot water and gargle. It will help a lot.
Ayurvedic Herbs for Sore Throat by Dr Ayurveda

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Benefits of Rasna herb

Rasna is an effective herb for managing cough and cold due to its Ushna (hot) nature and Kapha balancing property. It manages cough, release mucus from the respiratory passages, and clears them, thus allowing the patient to breathe freely. Have a look at few important health benefits of Rasna herbs by DrAyurveda:
Benefits of  Rasna herb

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ayurvedic herbs for menstrual cramps

Ayurvedic herbs for menstrual cramps
Ayurveda has a cure for everything and painful menstrual cramps are no different. Here are some important Ayurvedic herbs that will really help you out when it comes to menstrual cramps: 
* Bhutakesi: This is a commonly prescribed herb for cramp relief and it really helps a lot.
* Ajwain (Carom Seeds): It is an amazing home remedy when it comes to easing period cramps.
* Fenugreek Seeds: These are known to reduce period pain. All you need to do is to soak few fenugreek seeds in water for 12 hours and take it.
* Kachur: It is very beneficial in easing period cramps. Take 1 to 3 grams of the herb with lukewarm water and it will help a lot.
* Aloe Vera: You can try Aloe Vera juice every morning and empty stomach, you'll automatically feel the difference.
* Ginger: It really helps a lot in menstrual pain.
* Gud (Jaggery): Eat a small piece of Jaggery and it is so helpful.
Apart from all these effective herbs, you can try a few other things as well:
* Use hot water bag on your lower abdomen to ease the pain.
* Hydrate yourself (Drink plenty of water throughout the day)
* Practice Yoga or indulge yourself in mind exercises.
* Sit in the sunlight for sometime during Sunrise or Sunset as sunlight as the source if Vitamin D, which reduces the production of prostaglandins responsible for causing cramps.
Ayurvedic herbs for menstrual cramps

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Adopt Ayurveda Lifestyle

Adopt Ayurveda Lifestyle
Ayurveda aims to achieve three main objectives:
* Maintaining positive health through prevention of disease causing elements.
* Implementing curative measures for treating a manifested disease or condition.
* Establishing rehabilitative measures for recuperation.
Adopt Ayurveda Lifestyle

Ayurvedic herbs for Dengue fever

Ayurvedic herbs for Dengue fever
There is no specific treatment for dengue fever, but Ayurveda stresses to strengthen the immune system of the body and keeping a control on hyperthermia. Papaya leaf juice can be great for boosting platelet count in people suffering with dengue. Platelet count comes down drastically in dengue patients, and it can actually have fatal outcomes. Have a look at few important herbs that helps a lot:
* Giloy: Giloy (Tguduchi) juice, along with the Amla and wheat grass juice also helps in improving patient's immunity and platelets.
* Tulsi (Holi basil): You can boil it in water and drink this throughout the day to build your immune system.
* Guduchi: This is also a very useful herb.
* Dhatura: It has potency to reduce the seriousness of dengue fever, but should be strictly taken after consulting Ayurvedic physician.
* Fenugreek: You can take fenugreek leaves in order to reduce your fever.
Apart from that, you can use Chyavanprash as an immunity booster and you must have Pomegranate/Black Grape juice in order to increase blood/platelet count.
** Spread this as much as you can, this may save many lives.
Ayurvedic herbs for Dengue fever

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Benefits of Panikoorka by Dr Ayurveda

Many people say that you should grow the panikoorka plant in your house if you have children. As, it is exceptionally effective to treat sick children suffering from a fever, cough and cold. It helps in diarrhoea and various common ailments. Have a look at few important health benefits of Pamikoorka herb by Dr Ayurveda Official.
Benefits of Panikoorka by Dr Ayurveda

Monday, March 20, 2023

Yoga and Ayurveda lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda are two interrelated branches of the same great tree of Vedic knowledge that encompasses all of human life and the entire universe. In this regard, it is important to understand the respective roles of Ayurveda and Yoga in the Vedic system. Here Dr Poonam from Dr Ayurveda Official promoting Yoga Lifestyle along with the Ayurveda.
Yoga and Ayurveda lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda