Monday, August 31, 2020

Black Pepper benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official

Black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices worldwide. Black pepper is more than just a kitchen staple. It has been deemed the “king of spices” and used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years due to its high concentration of potent, beneficial plant compounds. Want to know few more benefits of Black Pepper, have a look at the picture below: Stay connected with Dr Ayurveda Official for more benefits of Ayurvedic Herbs.
Black Pepper benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official
Black Pepper benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Coronavirus after effects by Dr Ayurveda Official

ASK Dr Ashok | Coronavirus after effects | Covid-19
Want to know about Coronavirus after effects by Dr Ayurveda Official? Ask Dr Poonam and Dr Ashok for the detailed information in this video.
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Friday, August 28, 2020

Pranavata in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Pranavata in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
There are 5 types of Vata:
  1. Pranavata
  2. Udanavata
  3. Vyanavata
  4. Samanavata
  5. Apanavata
Let's get to know about Pranavata in details:
The word Prana is derived from the Sanskrit root. Pra as a prefix to nouns: intensifies the root, or can mean that that root holds a place of source or origin and that the root meaning is in its most perfect state.
According to Charaka and Vagbhata, the Pranavata is located in the head and is stated to transverse in the regions of oral cavity, nose, neck and chest for the proper control and discharge of its functions.
Pranavata conducts both sensory and motor functions. More importantly, the Pranavata is responsible for all vital functions such as respiration and heart rate.
Pranavata in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
Pranavata in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Important benefits of Arjuna Herb

Have a look at some important benefits of Arjuna herb. We've listed some important herbs benefit of this important herb of Ayurveda.
Stay connected for some Ayurvedic Herb benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official.
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Important benefits of Arjuna Herb

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Yoga Lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda Official

Dr Poonam from Dr Ayurveda Official promoting healthy lifestyles through Yoga! 
"When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace."
Have a look at a few benefits of Yoga:

  • Improves Your Flexibility. If you've ever watched a yoga class or people doing yoga poses, one thing you probably noticed is that they pretty flexible.
  • It actually develops your strength.
  • It reduces your stress level.
  • It may help you lose weight too.
Yoga Lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda Official
Yoga Lifestyle by Dr Ayurveda Official

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
There are five types of Pitta:
* Pachakapitta
* Ranjakapitta
* Sadhakapitta
* Alochakapitta
* Bhrajakapitta
Let's get to know about Bhrajakapitta in detail:

Located in the skin.
The function of the Bhrajakapitta is production of normal or abnormal Colors of the skin. The maintenance of the Lustre or complexion of the skin is by the Paka (transformation or conversion) of the (absorbed) substances used for massage etc. It also maintains the normal temperature of the body.
Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official
Bhrajakapitta in Ayurveda by Dr Ayurveda Official

Monday, August 24, 2020

Manjistha Herb Benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official

Manjistha is an important herb in Ayurveda. Have a look at some of the major benefits of this herb by Dr Ayurveda Official. 
You can use this herb in the capsule form, if you have any Pitta related skin disorders.
Alternatively, you can take it with warm milk before bed. Manjistha can also be used as an external application for face packs or in case of skin diseases. 
Stay connected for more Ayurveda Herbs related information.
Manjistha Herb Benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official
Manjistha Herb Benefits by Dr Ayurveda Official